What I Say

It is the love that my mother had for Ray Charles that comes most to mind.  Growing up in the 60’s our household had two types of music, Ray Charles and everybody else!  My mother would play, “What’d I say” so much that she would have to buy another copy! 

When that piano intro started the whole household would stop what it was doing and get to twistin’ and shoutin’, “Tell me what’d I say.”  As an adult, I had the most wonderful experience of my life – seeing the legendary Ray Charles with my mother.   

Thank you, Ray Charles for “What’d I say, Georgia on My Mind, America the Beautiful” (which always brings tears to my eyes), “Night Time is the Right Time, Hit the Road Jack” and so many others.  But, particular thanks to you Ray Charles for the love and joy you gave my mother that she in turn filled our home with … What a wonderful way to grow up! 

A special thank you to my Mommy Love for keeping our home filled with so much music and allowing the freedom of expression!  You have allowed us to pass these treasures onto our children. Hopefully they will pass it on to theirs.  Then you’ll have a whole lot of folk running around saying, “What I say!” 

Deborah Coles

P.S. While you’re at it — order Deborah’s book, “What I Say” online here.

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.”